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Old world business logo for today's daily quiz.
shovon daily quiz answer
The product logo on the right hand side, is of a marquee brand of yesteryear's. The products of this particular company were widely available in India till the 1990's. Even today, some examples of this brand's products can be found in the subcontinent, especially Pakistan and rural parts of India.
daily business logo quiz
Identify the company.
daily visual quiz question
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bedford wwii vintage truck quiz answer
Answer: The answer is BEDFORD vehicles, manufactured by Vauxhall Motors. As a young kid, in the 1980's and even in 1990's, I have seen many of the Bedford trucks, being used mainly for carrying soil used for earth-filling or bricks for construction purposes. Mos of these trucks were of WWII vintage. Even today, one may come across Bedford trucks in rural India, while in Pakistan, its a certainty, to be found on highways. An urban legend associated with these trucks was that the drivers had to put the vehicle in back-gear instead of applying the brakes, to get the trucks to stop immediately. As with most urban legends, most probably, it is untrue!
daily business quiz of the day shovon chakraborty answer
Congratulations to Ali and Sanjib Paul for cracking the questions! :)
bedford wwii vintage truck quiz answer
Answer: The answer is BEDFORD vehicles, manufactured by Vauxhall Motors. As a young kid, in the 1980's and even in 1990's, I have seen many of the Bedford trucks, being used mainly for carrying soil used for earth-filling or bricks for construction purposes. Mos of these trucks were of WWII vintage. Even today, one may come across Bedford trucks in rural India, while in Pakistan, its a certainty, to be found on highways. An urban legend associated with these trucks was that the drivers had to put the vehicle in back-gear instead of applying the brakes, to get the trucks to stop immediately. As with most urban legends, most probably, it is untrue!
daily business quiz of the day shovon chakraborty answer
Congratulations to Ali and Sanjib Paul for cracking the questions! :)
Bedford Vehicles from Vauxhall.