Thursday, July 05, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 05 July 2012

A dry, direct question for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question with answer
The Canadian Postal System claims to provide the one and only correct address for him. It is also said that Canada is the only country, with the only Postal System, with a dedicated postal code, "HOH OHO" for all mails marked to him.
postal code hoh oho question answer
Who am I referring to?
canada postal system quiz of the day answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
shovon daily quiz santa claus question answer
Answer: Its time for the answer, and the person is Santa Claus. Every year very high volume of mails are sent to Mr. Claus during the festive season, i.e. immediately preceding Christmas.
shovon daily quiz santa claus question answer saint nicholas
Both Anindya Mozumdar and Anonymous have got the answer right. Congratulations! (As an aside, if anonymous had at least identified herself/himself with, may be either of 1st or last name, would have been better!:)) 

