Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 31 July 2012

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Question of a different kind for the daily quiz.
daily quiz of the day
Pictured on the right hand side, is a memorial, which, one can see at Matauri Bay, New Zealand. This was erected by the people and the government of New Zealand for an incidence involving French secret agents.
daily quiz visual memorial
Identify the monument and the incidence, which led to the erection of this memorial.
daily quiz photo matauri bay new zealand memorial
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
daily quiz rainbow warrior memorial sunk by france secret agents
Answer: Time for the answer. The memorial was set up for the international activists group Greenpeace's erstwhile lead vessel, Rainbow Warrior, at Matauri Bay, New Zealand. Rainbow Warrior was the lead ship in the protest against France's planned nuclear tests in one of it's territories in the Pacific region. To thwart any protest against the Government of France, a secret operation was planned and given the go ahead from Paris. When anchored at Matauri Bay, inside New Zealand's territorial water, it was sunk by the French Secret Services agents.
memorial greenpeace shovon chakraborty quiz answer
Congratulations to Dela and Ali for giving the right answer! :)
shovon chakraborty daily quiz with answer

Monday, July 30, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 30 July 2012

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We travel to SW19 again for the daily quiz, as the players are back there, this time, for Olympics glory.
daily visual quiz tennis
A legendary player is shown in the photograph on the right hand side, playing in the gentlemen's final at the Wimbledon.
visual quiz sw19 wimbledon
Identify the tennis player in the photo.
daily quiz tennis sports answer final
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
bunny austin last british player wimbledon final daily sports quiz
Answer: The photograph is of Henry Wilfred "Bunny" Austin playing in the 1938 Wimbledon Gentleman's Final Match, the last British player to do so.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 29 July 2012

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Daily quiz, today, takes us to the inside of a hangar.
daily quiz with answer
What you see in the photograph on the right hand side, is a jet engine powered vehicle (the word vehicle is used in a medium neutral way) and a world record holder in a certain category.
daily visual quiz with answer
You have to simply identify the name of the photographed vehicle, along with the record it holds.
daily quiz shovon chakraborty vehicle quiz answer
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
daily quiz thrust ssc land speed record
Answer: The vehicle is called ThrustSSC (or Thrust SSC, Thrust supersonic car). It is a British jet-propelled car developed by Richard Noble, Glynne Bowsher, Ron Ayers and Jeremy Bliss. It  holds the World Land Speed Record, set on 15 October 1997, when it achieved a speed of 1,228 km/h (763 mph) and became the first car to officially break the sound barrier.
daily quiz with answer first supersonic car shovon chakraborty
Congratulations to Anindya Mozumdar and Ali for getting the answer right.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 28 July 2012

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Back to another controversial advertisement for the daily quiz.
daily ad quiz answer
On the right hand side, you can see the outdoor advertisement for something, titled "White is coming". It generated a lot of controversy and heat, due to its suggestive content. As the picture shows a white blonde (probably) girl chocking a hapless black girl, and combined with its tagline "White is coming", was seen as a racial statement, depicting the supremacy of people with white skin over the persons with black skin colors. The controversy generated, forced the company to withdraw the ad from the market.
daily visual picture quiz controversial advertisement
You have to simply identify the name of the company and the product range for which the advertisement had been published.
quiz of the day shovon chakraborty white is coming outdoor ad business quiz
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
daily quiz visual ad sony psp white shovon answer
Answer: The answer is Sony PSP. Sony was about to launch a white colored model of PSP and this ad was part of the product launch campaign. However, after people started complaining about the racist overtones of the ad, Sony withdrew the ad from OOH Media.
daily quiz of the day business ad quiz visual sony psp
Congratulations to Samanway Banerjee, Quizster, Atanu and Ali for cracking the question! :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 27 July 2012

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Today's daily quiz question is probably a child's play for serious quizzers.
daily quiz question answer
The black and white photograph that you can see on the right hand side, was taken during the first meeting of the boys pictured. The duo ultimately went on to become very successful and famous.
daily visual quiz question with answer
Identify both the persons.
daily famous personality quiz picture answer
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
mick jagger keith richards childhood photo rolling stones
Answer: The kids pictured are Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who were class-friends during school days. After their families moved apart, both had a chance meeting and their friendship grew again. In 1962, they formed The Rolling Stones, one of the most acclaimed and successful rock music bands in the history.
shovon chakraborty daily rock band visual quiz answer
Congratulations to Ali for getting this right! Like your namesake, I believe that you can also use those famous lines, "I am the best!" 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 26 July 2012

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Let's go back some way up the time for the daily quiz question of the day.
lux advertisement daily quiz
The snap on the right hand side shows an endorsement and a print advertisement copy for Lux Toilet Soap. The endorser, an actress, a film star was quite charming in her day.
daily quiz photograph star answer
All you have to do, is identify the lady who had endorsed the product. 
daily quiz shovon chakraborty answer
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
leela chitnis endorse lux soap brand business quiz
Answer: Time for the answer, as usual. The actress is none other than the classic beauty Leela Chitnis. In an early example of brand endorsements, she is seen here endorsing the Lux Toilet Soap from Hindustan Lever Ltd.
leela shovon chakraborty daily business quiz brand hindustan lever answer 
Congratulations to Ali for cracking this! Great going man! :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 25 July 2012

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CERN was in the news recently due to the so called "god particle", so I thought about including the "goddesses" from CERN for the daily quiz.
daily quiz picture answer
On the right hand side, what you can see, is a poster of Les Horribles Cernettes, ("The Horrible CERN Girls"), which is an all-female parody pop group, self-labelled "the one and only High Energy Rock Band", founded by employees of CERN which performs at CERN and other HEP related events. Their musical style is often described as doo-wop. The initials of their name, LHC, are the same as those of the Large Hadron Collider which was later built at CERN.
quiz picture answer les horribles cernettes, horrible cern girls
That was the introduction part. Now coming to the business end, you will have to tell me, the significance of the picture concerned.
quiz shovon chakraborty quiz of the day with answer
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
photo of band on internet lch 1992 first ever photoshop 1
Answer: Its the time for the answer. And, the answer is - This photo of the LCH band members was the first ever picture of a band to be published on the Internet. The picture was edited using Photoshop 1.0 and was uploaded in the year 1992.
1st photo on www 1992 lch members daily visual quiz answer 
Congratulations to Pranat Kashyap and Kapinjal Chowdhury for correctly answering the question! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 24 July 2012

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How about a little wildlife for the daily quiz?
daily visual quiz answer
The emblem on the right hand side is enough to strike fear in the minds of viewers. Identify the organization which used this emblem for a period of time in the 1960's. 
daily quiz emblem photo answer
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
shovon chakraborty daily political party emblem quiz answer
Answer: Yes, Pranat Kashyap, you are absolutely right. This particular emblem had been used by the original Black Panther Party of the USA in the 1960s to symbolize the Black Panther Power.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 23 July 2012

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At Wimbledon this year, we saw one of the greatest ever men's and women's players capturing the title. Today's daily quiz question is also on a Wimbledon champion, but from a different era altogether.
daily quiz tennis question
On the right hand side, you can see a photograph captured during a Wimbledon final match for the gentlemen's competition. The player captured, is Herbert Lawford, a 1 time Wimbledon winner and 5 times runner up during the late nineteenth century. But, he has an even greater contribution to the game of tennis, than mere being a champion player, a contribution, which etched his name in any serious history book on Tennis.
daily visual picture quiz answer
What has been his greatest contribution to tennis?
tennis quiz of the day shovon chakraborty
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
tennis top-spin herbert lawford william renshaw answer
Answer: The answer to the question is top-spin. Although, Herbert Lawford could not win many championships, largely due to the dominance of the Renshaw Brothers, he has been immortalized because of his introduction of top-spin in to the game. By the way, William Renshaw is believed to be the first "power tennis" player and had introduced the serve and volley style of play.
daily picture sports quiz question answer tennis
Congratulations to Ali, Pranat Kashyap, Amitabha Roy and Rishi Bhattacharyya for getting the answer right! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 22 July 2012

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There have been good products with goofy advertisement campaigns and bad products with sleek, eye catching ad campaigns. In both the cases, the success probably eludes the company in question. We pick up an ad campaign for today's daily quiz.
daily visual quiz answer
The picture on the right hand side is actually a screenshot, captured from an audio-visual ad campaign for a Cola brand. The ad stars the popular Japanese manga character Joe Yabuki, a boxer, who, as the story went in the original manga book, ultimately died while fighting. In this ad, he has been shown endorsing a particular brand of Cola, and the ad has been hitting the headlines for quite some times now, due to the purported claims made in the ads.
business quiz of the day brand name
You have to identify the brand of the Cola, being talked about, and also, the reason for which the ad has gained publicity.
brand name quiz of the day with answer shovon chakraborty
You can leave your answer as a comment below this post. You can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
business quiz daily brand kirin mets cola answer
Answer: The answer is Kirin Mets Cola. This has been in the news recently as it is billed as the world's first health-food colaKirin says the drink contains an indigestible form of dextrin that can be used as a fibre supplement and restricts the body's ability to absorb fat when eating. The drink has no artificial sweetners. As a result, it can helps in slimming, the company claims.
shovon business quiz visual brand photo ad answer
Congratulations Ali and Pranat Kashyap, for cracking this!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 21 July 2012

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Today's daily quiz question is a tribute to something, which I would disclose along with the answer.
shovon chakraborty daily quiz
Now, look at the picture on the right hand side. You can see a test pilot from United States, standing with his bird. This gentleman went on to achieve something, in a different program, which has etched his name in the history books permanently. Even the aircraft, shown in the picture, has its name in the record books on two different parameters.
daily visual quiz with answer
The question has multiple parts. Identify the test pilot. Identify the aircraft. And, tell us about the records, being held by the aircraft in question.
daily quiz of the day experimental aircraft NASA
You can leave your answer as a comment to the post below. Alternatively, you may also mail your answers to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answers.
north american aviation x-15 rocket powered plane
Answer: And, its the time for the answer! The person is none other than Neil Armstrong, the first person to land on the moon. On 20 July 1969, Armstrong set his foot on the surface of the moon and made the historical statement, "one small step for a man, a big leap for the mankind".
neil armstrong moon landing x-15 fastest plane mig-25 foxbat
The aircraft in the picture is the North American X-15 rocket powered aircraft. This was an experimental very high speed aircraft, manufactured by North American Aviation and funded jointly by USAF and NASA.The X-15 set speed and altitude records in the early 1960s, reaching the edge of outer space and returning with valuable data used in aircraft and spacecraft design. As of 2012, the X-15 holds the official world record for the fastest speed ever reached by a manned aircraft. Its top speed was measured at Mach 6.72 or 7,274 km/h. The highest altitude, to which the plane could reach, was measured at 108 km or 354,330 ft. Compare that with the fastest aircraft ever used by the Indian Air Force, the MiG-25 "Foxbat", which was once seen doing Mach 3.2 over the Israeli airspace. Incidentally, MiG-25 was also the only aircraft in the IAF inventory, which could reach altitudes of 80,000+ ft in horizontal flight.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 20 July 2012

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Old world business logo for today's daily quiz.
shovon daily quiz answer
The product logo on the right hand side, is of a marquee brand of yesteryear's. The products of this particular company were widely available in India till the 1990's. Even today, some examples of this brand's products can be found in the subcontinent, especially Pakistan and rural parts of India.
daily business logo quiz
Identify the company.
daily visual quiz question
You can leave your answer as comment below this post. You can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answer.
bedford wwii vintage truck quiz answer
Answer: The answer is BEDFORD vehicles, manufactured by Vauxhall Motors. As a young kid, in the 1980's and even in 1990's, I have seen many of the Bedford trucks, being used mainly for carrying soil used for earth-filling or bricks for construction purposes. Mos of these trucks were of WWII vintage. Even today, one may come across Bedford trucks in rural India, while in Pakistan, its a certainty, to be found on highways. An urban legend associated with these trucks was that the drivers had to put the vehicle in back-gear instead of applying the brakes, to get the trucks to stop immediately. As with most urban legends, most probably, it is untrue!
daily business quiz of the day shovon chakraborty answer
Congratulations to Ali and Sanjib Paul for cracking the questions! :)  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 19 July 2012

A dry question for today's daily quiz.
shovon chakraborty daily quiz question answer
This Indian city got its name from its riverbank that was covered with stones. During the British rule, ships were docked at the bank of the river, flowing by the side of the city, and the riverbank was covered with stones to help dock ships and vessels. A market developed at the bank and its surrounding areas became a major place of economic activity. Colloquially, natives started to call the place by a name, which when translated, meant "a bank covered with stones". The city also hosted the first ever game of modern Polo, which was played between two teams of Britishers. Identify the place.
shovon chakraborty daily dry history quiz question answer
You can answer the question simply by posting comment below this post. You may also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments and the answers will be published tomorrow.
shovon silchar barak daily dry history quiz question answer
Answer: The place is Silchar, which is situated by the banks of the river Barak in Southern Assam. It is the second largest city in the state, although the difference with the numero uno city Guwahati is quite large.
daily quiz of the day question answer city geography
Congratulations to Debayan Dhar, Md. Zameer, Pranit Kashyap & Anonymous friend for cracking this! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 18 July 2012

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Let's take up some celestial objects for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
The photograph on the right hand side was captured by an amateur photographer over the sky of Texas, United States of America. It was taken on 1st February 2003 and captures a historic event that had an Indian connection.
daily photo quiz answer shovon
The question is divided in to two parts. The first part - Which event has been captured in the photo? And, the second part - What is the Indian connection with the event?
daily quiz of the day celestial quiz answer
You can leave your answer as comment below this post. You can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours and will be published along with the answer on 19 July 2012.
kalpana chawla space shuttle columbia disaster picture quiz
Answer: Time for the answer. The picture was captured by an amateur photographer over Texas, on 1st February 2003. The fireballs are the debris from Space Shuttle Columbia, which had burst in to flames at the time of reentry in to the Earth's atmosphere. The India connection is Kalpana Chawla, who was a member of the mission crew and perished with all others.
daily quiz of the day visual question answer shovon
Congratulations to Ali for getting this right!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 16 July 2012

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We pick up a controversial advertisement for the daily quiz of today.
daily quiz of the day answer
As you can see, the snap on the right hand side is a pretty gory one. This advertisement, titled "Payback is hell" was run by an organization and it created quite a furore among the general public, due to its graphic visualization of a severed leg, protruding out from inside the jaws of a shark.
daily visual quiz answer controversial advertisement
Simply identify the organization, which commissioned and ran the ad campaign.
shovon chakraborty daily visual quiz payback is hell
You can leave your answer as comment below this thread. You can also send your answer through e-mail to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. All comments will be moderated for 24 hours, and will be published along with the answer, on 17 July 2012, Tuesday.
peta controversial campaign quiz question answer
Answer: The answer is PeTA i.e. People for Ethical Treatment of Animals.
shovon daily visual quiz of the day controversial ad answer
Congratulations to Biswajyoti, Ali and Anindya for getting the answer right! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 15 July 2012

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I am back after a short break. Let's look up some war-birds for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
As you can see, the picture collage on the right hand side includes six (6) aircraft, which have been developed and manufactured by different countries. All of these have been designed for military purposes.
daily visual quiz shovon
My question is pretty simple. Apart from the fact that all of these are military aircraft, what is the other unique common thread among all of these?
daily fighter plane quiz question answer
You can leave your answer as comment below this post. You can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. All comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
fifth generation stealth combat aircraft quiz answer
Answer: Actually, the answer should have been published earlier, but I got busy during my spare time in writing a post on the Guwahati attack on a 20 year old girl.
chengdu j-20, fgfa, pak fa, mig 1.44, f-22 raptor, f-35 lightning, sukhoi t-50, hal
Indian has rightly pointed out that all of these are Fifth Generation Multirole Stealth Combat Aircrafts. From the top left, the aircrafts in the clockwise direction, are Chengdu J-20 being developed by China; the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA being jointly developed by Russia and India, MiG 1.44 being developed by Mikoyan-Gurevich Russia, Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor currently in service with the United States Air Force, Sukhoi T-50 also called PAK FA under development by Sukhoi Corp. Russia and the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II currently under evaluation with the USAF.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 11 July 2012

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Another iconic photo for today's daily quiz.
daily quiz answer
Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams captured this shot of an officer executing a prisoner of war and it became one of the most iconic shots of the concerned war. Sadly, Adams would come to lament the damage the Pulitzer-winning photo did to the officer, firing the shot, and his family, claiming that the man had killed a “so-called bad guy” and been demonized by people who didn't understand the scope of the situation.
shovon chakraborty quiz of the day question answer
Which is the war in question? Also, if possible, name the officer about to pull the trigger and the particular battle this was a part of.
viet cong shot south vietnam general ngyuen tet offensive answer
You can leave your answer as a comment to the post. You may also send your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till 12th of July and published along with the answer.
viet cong murderer lem shot by general nguyen ngoc loan
Answer: Ali is really on a roll. Hat's of to you man! Of course, that does not take away any credit from the others, i.e. Anindya Mozumdar and Pranat Kashyap, who have also answered this correctly.
shovon chakraborty quiz war photo iconic vietnam war answer
This photograph, titled "General Nguyen Ngoc Loan Executing a Viet Cong Prisoner in Saigon" was taken by Eddie Adams on 1 February 1968. It shows South Vietnamese National Police Chief and a former Brigadier General of the Army of South Vietnam, Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executing a Việt Cộng guerrilla in Saigon during the Tet Offensive. The executed man was probably Nguyễn Văn Lém, a member of the National Liberation Front, popularly known as Việt Cộng. 
lem killed police and relatives and caught disposing 32 dead bodies 
It has been attested that Lém commanded a Viet Cong death squad, which on that day had murdered South Vietnamese National Police officers, or in their stead, the police officers' families. Lém was captured near the site of a ditch holding as many as thirty-four bound and shot bodies of police and their relatives, some of whom were the families of Loan's deputy and six of whom were Nguyễn's godchildren.
brigadier general loan nguyen quiz photo shot eddie adams answer nbc vo suu question
Lém was captured and brought to Loan, then Chief of National Police of the Republic of Vietnam. Using his sidearm, a Smith & Wesson Model 38 "Bodyguard", Nguyễn Ngọc Loan summarily executed Lém in front of AP photographer Eddie Adams and NBC television cameraman Vo Suu.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 10 July 2012

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We continue with iconic photographs for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
One of the most striking non-violent protests against the full might of the state. This photograph was taken by Jeff Widener in 1989. Shooting the protests for the Associated Press, Jeff captured this shot of “the unknown rebel” standing in front of a line of tanks. The man was shortly led away and never seen again, but his act of nonviolent protest was seen as a pivotal moment in world history.
1989 protest tank unknown rebel
Which event was this a part of?
visual jeff widener photo question answer
You can leave your answer as a comment to the post. You can also mail the answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. All comments will be moderated till 11th of July. The answer will be published tomorrow.
tiananmen square massacre 1989 tank man unknown rebel
Answer: Time for the answer now. Ali is on an awesome roll and as usual, you are right, my dear friend. Apart from Ali, Sunil Saha, Rakesh Shaw and Thyaga have called this correctly.
tiananmen square massacre quiz answer
The photograph of the "Tank Man" or the "Unknown Soldier" temporarily stopping the advance of a column of Type-59 tanks, was captured at the Tiananmen Square by Jeff Widener on June 5, 1989. The photograph is widely considered among "the most iconic images of the 20th century". Jeff had been covering the Chinese protests for the Associated Press
tank man photo quiz question shovon chakraborty answer
The man received widespread international recognition, due to the photographs and videotapes, taken of the incident. Despite his anonymity, he is commonly referred to in Chinese as Wang Weilin (王維林). Video footage shows that two figures in blue attire pulled the man away from in front of the tank column, and disappeared with him into a nearby crowd. The man was never seen again and his true identity remains a mystery till date.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 09 July 2012

Man walks on empty cartridges.
Continuing with our series on iconic photographs for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
Titled "War Underfoot", Los Angeles Times photographer Carolyn Cole took this startling photo during her assignment in the concerned country. The photo shows a man walking on a street of the capital city, where bullet casings completely cover it. It demonstrates the devastating effects of the Civil War. Carolyn won Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for her photographic capture of the Civil War.
daily visual quiz question answer
Identify the city. Also, which Civil War has been caught in this photo?
civil war photo bullet case man walk answer
You can post your answer as comments to the post. You can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. Comments will be moderated till 10th of July. Answers will be published tomorrow. 
liberia civil war monrovia street bullet casing
Answer: Now is the time for answer. First things first. Heartiest congratulations to Ali, Karan and Quizster, all of whom have cracked the question.
shovon daily quiz of the day war picture question answer pulitzer prize
Titled "War Underfoot", this photograph taken by Carolyn Cole for Los Angeles Times, captured a street completely covered with empty bullet casings, in Monrovia, the Liberian capital. Monrovia was the worst affected region in the Liberian Civil War, as it was the scene of heavy fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces. Businesses were also closed for weeks as the battle raged. The picture shows the devastation caused by the Civil War in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict. Carolyn won Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for a set of pictures, which also contained the one shown here.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 08 July 2012

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We are continuing with our iconic photographs series for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
The photo was taken by Mike Wells in an African country. It shows the contrast between the health of a Christian Missionary's hand, the one on the right side of the photo, and that of a native of the country, the one on the left side of the photo.
daily photo quiz visual quiz answer
Identify the country and the regime, which was in power at the time of capture of the snap.
africa boy missionary malnutrition question answer
You can submit your answer simply by adding a comment to the post. You can also mail the answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till 9th of  July. The answer will be published tomorrow.
1980 famine in karamoja, uganda mike wells iconic photo answer
Answer: Its the time for answer, and first of all, a big congratulations to Ali and Shubho Deb for cracking the question.
shovon daily iconic photo quiz answer
The photographer, Mike Wells, took this picture to show the extent of starvation in Africa. This photo captures the 1980 Famine of Karamoja in Uganda. It shows a malnourished child holding hands with a missionary. The stark contrast between the two people serves as a reminder of the gulf in wealth between developed and developing countries. The famine in 1980, which resulted due to a severe drought, led to one of the worst fatalities, with 21% of the population (60% being infants) dead. Mike Wells won the World Press Photo Award for this snap.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 07 July 2012

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For the next weeks daily quiz, I am planning to have a series on Iconic Photographs, starting today.
daily quiz question answer
The photo on the right hand side was taken in a battlefield, in the first half of twentieth century. It was taken by Robert Capa and is considered to be one of the most impactful visual representation of the war in question.
visual photo question war spain
The question has two parts and no splitting of points. Please identify the war, in which, the person pictured, took part. And, who were the belligerents in the war?
franco spain civil war photo question answer
You can answer the question simply by posting a comment in the thread. Alternatively, you can also send in your answers to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours or till 8th July. The answer will be published tomorrow.
spanish civil war question answer
Answer: The picture was captured during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The war resulted in dissolution of the Second Spanish Republic and marked the beginning of General Franco's dictatorship.
spanish civil war the fallen soldier federico borrell garcia
This photo was taken on 5th September 1936, and supposedly shows Federico Borrell García, an anarchist, fighting on the Republican side, being hit by a bullet and slumping to the ground. The photograph is popularly known as "The Fallen Soldier"and it's full title is "Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, Cerro Muriano, September 5, 1936", although, some doubts have been raised at the authenticity of the photograph. 
Congratulations Ali for cracking this question!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 05 July 2012

A dry, direct question for the daily quiz.
daily quiz question with answer
The Canadian Postal System claims to provide the one and only correct address for him. It is also said that Canada is the only country, with the only Postal System, with a dedicated postal code, "HOH OHO" for all mails marked to him.
postal code hoh oho question answer
Who am I referring to?
canada postal system quiz of the day answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
shovon daily quiz santa claus question answer
Answer: Its time for the answer, and the person is Santa Claus. Every year very high volume of mails are sent to Mr. Claus during the festive season, i.e. immediately preceding Christmas.
shovon daily quiz santa claus question answer saint nicholas
Both Anindya Mozumdar and Anonymous have got the answer right. Congratulations! (As an aside, if anonymous had at least identified herself/himself with, may be either of 1st or last name, would have been better!:)) 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 04 July 2012

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We go back to the world of business and logo for today's daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
The logo, shown on the right hand side, was used by a famous brand during the 1960's. It was subsequently discontinued to make way for a brand new logo. Simply tell us the name of the company/brand.
business logo famous quiz answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
kawasaki industries business logo question answer
Answer: And, its the time for the answer.
The logo is that of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., which is named after its founder Shōzō Kawasaki. The company had used this logo up to the mid-1960s.
japan business quiz logo answer
Congratulations to Ali and Nandini for getting the answer right!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 03 July 2012

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For the day's daily quiz, we pick up an old print advertisement featuring Kishore Kumar.
daily quiz question answer
As you can see, Kishore Kumar promoted this hair care product around 5 decades ago. All you'll have to do is identify the brand for which this advertisement was made.
business quiz print ad answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
kishore kumar brylcreem ad quiz question answer
Answer: Its answer time. Congratulations to Pranat Kashyap, Parthapratim Chaudhury and Dipak Datta for cracking the question.
shovon daily advertisement quiz answer
The answer is Brylcreem.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 02 July 2012

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Another visual question from the movies for the daily quiz of the day.
daily quiz of the day question answer
The promotional movie poster, displayed on the right hand side, will definitely give you some clues about the movie. Its really a simple question. All you have to do is, identify the movie.
movie poster quiz answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
shovon daily movie quiz poster question answer
Answer: Congratulations to Biswajyoti Borah for nailing this question! Anindya Mozumdar was also almost right, missed by only a whisker.
The name of the film is Dear Friend Hitler, released in India as, Gandhi to Hitler. It starred  Raghubir Yadav as Adolf Hitler, Neha Dhupia as Eva Braun and Avijit Dutt as Mohandas Gandhi, among others.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 01 July 2012

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A question from geopolitics for the day's daily quiz.
daily quiz question answer
The picture on the right hand side, shows the entire world's map. Out of all the countries, certain specific ones are shaded in different colors, viz., blue, golden yellow, green etc.
global map nations quiz answer
You have to identify as to what this particular map represents and what are the significance of the different color codes.
daily visual quiz answer
You can leave your responses as comments to the post. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answer, along with the names of the persons with the right answer, will be published tomorrow.
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II partner countries
Answer: The global map highlights the countries, which have either participated as a partner or have placed confirmed orders for Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth joint strike fighter. The color codes are -

  • Blue: Primary user: United States.
  • Maroon: Level 1 partner: United Kingdom.
  • Green: Level 2 partners: Italy and the Netherlands.
  • Golden yellow: Level 3 partners: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Turkey.
  • Fluorescent light blue: Security Cooperative Participants: Israel and Singapore.
