Another visual quiz for the daily quiz.
shovon quiz of the day with answer
What you can see on the right side, is an advertisement for ICI, and was published in the print media.
shovon quiz of the day with answer
What you can see on the right side, is an advertisement for ICI, and was published in the print media.
Ici print ad dj keymer
All you have to do is identify the creator of the ad.
daily quiz with answerAll you have to do is identify the creator of the ad.
You may leave your answer as comment below this thread. You may also send in your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated till tomorrow and will be published along with the answers.
daily business quiz classic ad satyajit ray ICI dj keymar
Answer: The answer is Satyajit Ray. As an adman for D. J. Keymar, Ray had designed the print ad for ICI Chemicals Ltd.
daily business quiz classic ad satyajit ray ICI dj keymar
Answer: The answer is Satyajit Ray. As an adman for D. J. Keymar, Ray had designed the print ad for ICI Chemicals Ltd.
daily quiz by shovon chakraborty with answer
satyajit ray print ad for ICI DJ Keymer
satyajit ray print ad for ICI DJ Keymer
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