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daily quiz with answer 30 september 2012
The kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's infant son from his nursery riveted America and the world in 1932. Mr. Lindbergh's celebrity as an aviator prompted police and the FBI to conduct a big investigation and a ransom was ultimately paid. Sadly, the baby was later found dead, buried in the woods of New Jersey. The "Lindbergh kidnapping", as it has been referred to, has had a lasting affect on the global industry.
linderbergh kidnapping business quiz insurance answer
What did it lead to?
quiz of the day with answer shovon ransom insurance
You may leave your answer as a comment below this thread, or may mail it to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments, along with the answer, will be published tomorrow.
kidnap and ransom insurance lloyd's of london
Answer: This led to Lloyd's of London starting to offer Kidnap and Ransom Insurance as one of the policies. The global premium collected nowadays amount to approximately US$ 350 million. These days, normally middle and higher management professionals working in high-risk countries like Nigeria, some African countries, specific Latin American countries and some states of the Russian federation, are primarily insured against kidnapping, by their employers.
kidnap and ransom insurance lloyd's of london
Answer: This led to Lloyd's of London starting to offer Kidnap and Ransom Insurance as one of the policies. The global premium collected nowadays amount to approximately US$ 350 million. These days, normally middle and higher management professionals working in high-risk countries like Nigeria, some African countries, specific Latin American countries and some states of the Russian federation, are primarily insured against kidnapping, by their employers.
shovon chakraborty business daily quiz of the day answer
shovon chakraborty business daily quiz of the day answer