Friday, November 02, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 02 November 2012

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A gun, which was very visible in India till a few years ago. This was the personal defense weapon for the officers of the Indian army for quite some time and was also used by the different armed police forces.

These were notable for having a simple design, very low production cost and ease of operation, making them effective insurgency weapons for resistance groups, till AK-47 became the first choice.

The weapon's chief designers were Major Reginald V. Shepherd and Harold Turpin and it was originally manufactured by Enfield.

Identify the sub-machine gun.

You may leave your answer as a comment below this thread. Alternatively, you may also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours and will be published along with the answer.

Answer: The answer is The STEN or Sten gunSTEN is an acronym, from the names of the weapon's chief designers, Major Reginald V. Shepherd and Harold Turpin, and EN for Enfield, the manufacturers.
Congrats Indian for getting this right.

1 comment:

  1. STEN GUN - STEN is an acronym, from the names of the weapon's chief designers, Major Reginald V. Shepherd and Harold Turpin, and EN for Enfield.

