Sunday, November 04, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 04 November 2012

Click to Enlarge.
The gun, shown in the picture to the right, was a successor to the Liberator pistol developed by the CIA. This single-shot gun was intended for distribution to South Vietnamese guerrillas as a weapon against North Vietnamese soldiers.

Identify the gun.

You may leave your answer as a comment below this thread. Alternatively, you may also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The comments will be moderated for a period of 24 hours and will be published along with the answer.

Answer: The answer is Deer Gun. The single-shot Deer gun was intended for distribution to South Vietnamese guerrillas as a weapon against North Vietnamese soldiers. One production run of 1,000 Deer guns was made in 1964 as an initial run, with the final cost projected as US$3.95 per gun. Rather than the Vietnam war being a small clandestine war, it became a full scale war where the Deer gun would not be as useful as foreseen. Some Deer guns were evaluated in Vietnam, but the fate of the rest is unknown.
Sagar Kathrisal and Ali cracks this.

