Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quiz of the Day - 24 October 2012

One of my favorite characters - real or imaginary - forms the basis of today's quiz question. And, this is related to a current event too.
Daily quiz with answer
You can see the snap of a flag in the picture on the right hand side.
flag of Mahishasur
Simply identify the owner of the flag!
durga puja quiz question shovon
You may leave your answer as a comment below this thread. Alternatively, you may also mail your answer to shovon76[at]gmail[dot]com. The answers and the comments will be published tomorrow.
flag of mahishasura durga fight answer
Answer: That's supposed to be the Flag of Mahishasura, the archenemy of Durga.
Unfortunately, no one came up with the right answer!
mahish asur flag question identify
Daily quiz with answer

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